Welcome to
our Centre
Specialised heart screening services
in Mauritius

In compliance with international standards as recognised and offered across the United Kingdom.
Have a question? Contact us: +230 465 04 08
About Echo Heart Centre

The Echo Heart Centre was set up in 2014 by Dr. Avin Calcutteea who is a highly specialised Cardiac Clinical Scientist and Medical Physicist. The centre offers in-depth diagnostic transthoracic Echocardiography compliant to international norms and comparable to the level of service offered at reputable NHS hospitals in London. In addition to Echocardiography services, the centre also offers Carotid Duplex Ultrasound, a technique used not only to assess the risk of stroke (blocked brain arteries) but can also be used to identify
patients with coronary artery disease (blocked heart arteries). Our mission is to beat heart disease through early identification of cardiac pathologies in a patient with a view to mitigate the risk of unwanted heart complications or heart attack in the future. We are committed to excellence in diagnostic clinical Echocardiography and its application to patient care through education, research, innovation and excellent service to the public.

Dr. Avin Calcutteea

Cardiac Clinical Scientist & Medical Physicist (UK)
PhD (Sweden), MSc (UK), BEng (UK)
Dr. Avin Calcutteea trained and worked in the United Kingdom (UK), for almost 10 years, at reputable NHS hospitals including Hammersmith Hospital, Royal Brompton & Harefield hospital, as well as the National amyloidosis centre (UCL).
- Based primarily in Mauritius, but continues to practise in the United Kingdom.
- Completed his clinical PhD in Cardiovascular medicine at Umea University Heart Centre Sweden in 2013.
- To date has four publications, as principal author, in high standard international medical journals.
- Recently published a book entitled ‘New insights in the assessment of right ventricular function: Echocardiography’ which is currently being commercialised world-wide.
- Member of the British Echocardiography Council in the UK and affiliated with Umea Heart Centre, Sweden.
- Head the diagnostic cardiology department for several years at a leading NHS Hospital.
- Being also a Medical Physicist with clinical and scientific experience in cardiovascular medicine, he proved capable in diagnosing many rare and unique cases and significantly contributed to their clinical management.
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You are welcome

Request an appointment using our secure online form. After you submit the form, our goal is to contact you by phone within one business day to book your appointment.
- Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 6.00pm
- Saturday: 9.30am - 4.30pm

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New insights in the assessment of right ventricular function: Echocardiography

Published: October 31, 2014
Author: Avin Calcutteea, Michael Y. Henein, Per Lindqvist
The right ventricle is a three dimensional (3D) complex structure of a crescent shaped cavity wrapped around the left ventricle. It consists of three compartments namely, the inflow tract (inlet), the outflow tract (outlet) and apex. There is a contraction time delay between the compartments in order to allow blood to flow through the wide angle between the inlet and outlet. The clinical literature has shown the right ventricle to be a sensitive predictor of exercise tolerance and also a major determinant of clinical symptoms in patients with heart failure. This book gives a clear understanding of the physiology of the right ventricle in three groups of patients 1) Patients with previous heart attack; 2) patients with severe aortic valve narrowing (aortic stenosis) before and six months after valve replacement and 3) patients with raised pulmonary circulation pressure (pulmonary hypertension). We used advanced echocardiography technologies such as 3D, Speckle tracking (analysis of speckle motion of the heart muscle) as well as already used measures to demonstrate right ventricular function in terms of structure and timing changes in each disease condition.
Welcome to Echo Heart Mauritius
Specialised in heart screening services in Mauritius
Echo Heart Mauritius – In compliance with international standards as recognised and offered across the United States & Europe, particularly in the United Kingdom.
The Echo Heart Centre was set up in December 2014 by Dr. Avin Calcutteea who is a highly specialised Cardiac Clinical Scientist and Medical Physicist. The Centre offers in-depth diagnostic transthoracic Echocardiography of an international standard as recognised and offered across the United States and Europe, particularly in the United Kingdom. In addition to Echocardiography services, the centre also offers Carotid duplex ultrasound, a technique used not only to assess the risk of stroke (blocked brain arteries) but can also be used to identify patients with coronary artery disease (blocked heart arteries). Our mission is to beat heart disease through early identification of cardiac pathologies in a patient with a view to mitigate the risk of unwanted heart complications or heart attack in the future. We are committed to excellence in diagnostic clinical Echocardiography and its application to patient care through education, advocacy, research, innovation and excellent service to the public.
Dr Avin Calcutteea
Cardiac Clinical Scientist & Medical Physicist (UK)
PhD (Sweden), MSc (UK), BEng (UK)
Dr. Avin Calcutteea trained and worked in the United Kingdom (UK), for almost 10 years, at reputable NHS hospitals. Being also a Medical Physicist with clinical and scientific experience in cardiovascular medicine, he proved capable in diagnosing many rare and unique cases and significantly contributed to their clinical management.
- To date has four publications, as principal author, in high standard international medical journals.
With our echocardiogram and carotid ultrasound, we can detect about 95% of all types of cardiac diseases as well as determining their underlying causes, planning treatment strategies and preventing heart attack, stroke or even death.